Distribution of Tokens $YUGI

Tokenomics of $YUGI Token

Total supply of $YUGI Token:

30,000,000,000$YUGI Token

Where does $YUGI Token go?

Play to earn rewards: 15,000,000,000(50%) of $YUGI Token will be used to reward users who played our YU-GI-KING game!

Presale: 2,702,036,000 (9%) of $YUGI Token was sold during presale Remaining $YUGI tokens that have not been sold during presale will be burnt to increase scarcity

Liquidity Pool: 1,672,688,940 (6%) of $YUGI Token have added to the liquidity pool of Pancake swap after presale on (19 Dec 2021) based on the listing ratio

Community Benefit: 1,500,000,000 (5%) of $YUGI Token is reserved to reward our active community which includes early adopters of YU-GI-KING project

Other Marketing Pool: 1,500,000,000 (5%) of $YUGI Token is reserved for marketing of YU-GI-KING. We would like to ensure that YU-GI-KING has absolutely world class marketing and grow into one of the best Game in BSC Chain!

Team Rewards: 1,800,000,000 (6%) of $YUGI Token is reserved of team reward. The team have to spend lots of hours and effort building YU-GI-KING, the reward will motivate the team to work best for the project and take YU-GI-KING to MOON!!!

Burnt Token: 5,825,275,060 (~20%) of $YUGI Token have burnt to create a scarcity of $YUGI token.

Price Information

You can track the price information of $YUGI Token on

Pancake Swap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x90A2902D9f02D68b56D4e5a4D280f97A555A6241

PooCoin Price Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x90a2902d9f02d68b56d4e5a4d280f97a555a6241

Liquidity Pool

After the presale of $YUGI token, the team have sent 79.36% of funds raised during presale to the liquidity pool for holders to begin trading in Pancake Swap.

Last updated